Wednesday, 28 January 2009

How wonderfull is this ?

Yesterday i got the greatest surprise ever : my friend Bibiana offered me her old Ideal sewing machine. She's moving to Rome for a few months and it's sooo heavy she couldn't bring it there. I can't thank her enough for this...

I wasn't sure if i wanted to have this beautiful machine in the shop, so that it would also be a great piece of deco, or to have it at home... I decided to have it at home just in case i feel like sewing in the middle of the night, cos i just love it so much. This machine is not only beautiful and robust, it also makes a smooth little sound when working, it's so confortable to sew with and it can sew all types of fabrics - even leather !
So here is the picture of my new Ideal sewing machine, which fits perfectly in my studio at home (i must confess i had to tidy the place up to take the picture, it usually doesn't look like this ooops...)


Anonymous said...

heyy i ve got the same in my house! it s a wonderfull machine. best

Emmanuance said...

C'est pas de la camelotte!! Ça c'est de la bonne machine à coudre!