Wednesday 11 February 2009

How a chore turns into giggles

This morning we received a parcel by the post :)
It's from our friends from Marseille (France) who sent us a whole bunch of sponges : there's all types, colours and shapes we can possibly dream of. May be you wonder why ?!?
When they came in december, they noticed it was so damn hard to find good sponges in Berlin, and we always complain a lot about it :P Some would think a sponge is not so important, but that's not true ! And i think it's such a nice and funny gesture : everyday when we clean the dishes, we'll think of them and lough !
Under the sponges there where also treats :P French Carambar (toffees) and Malabar (chewing gums for giants bubbles) : our favorites !!
Thank you guys ! Love you


prinz charming said...

Maintenant on a une éponge pour la baignoire, une pour l'évier, une pour le lavabo, une pour la douche, une pour chaque table, 3 pour la vaiselle, on a même une éponge pour s'essuyer la bouche quand on mange...
Par contre, je n'ai plus d'excuse pour le menage... hummm

ninon said...

oh, yesss! you are right, I don't know why, but I also noiticed that it is really difficult to find good sponges in berlin!! what a funny present you got!!

Anne Loiseau said...

Paquet incroyable! Plus d'excuse pour la vaisselle...