I'm a huge fan of Thaï food and i decided to make my favorite dishes. I can make a green curry with tofu (we ate that yesterday) and today i tried springrolls.
Before trying i didn't know how to use rice paper.. and i thought it wasn't easy.
I was sooo wrong !
It's super easy to make : you just have to put them briefly in the water and then on a towel, put all the ingredients (carrots, rice noodles, tofu or chicken slices, fresh coriander, soja), and then wrap.
Don't tell my husband it's so easy, because he was quite impressed !
you should try russian food:) can give you a few tips
Oh, j'aimerais bien la recette du curry vert!
Et bravo pour tes rouleaux de printemps, ils sont magnifiques!!!
And I have to say it's quite delicious too !!!
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